
Audiences allow you to upload static target lists (e.g. top 500 buyers, etc) coming from other sources.

Creating an Audience

You can easily create an Audience from the "Audiences" tab:

  • Click on the “Add Audience” button of your dashboard.
  • Choose a Display Name (mandatory).
  • Choose a Name (optional).
    • If you don’t define a Name Batch will generate one based on the Display Name.
  • Upload your file :
    • Your file must be a csv or txt file (50MB maximum) containing a list of Customer User IDs (one per line) in the first column and an optional string attribute in the second one.
      • Adding an attribute is useful for personalization purposes.

    Note that you can add more additional fields in additional colums if you upload an audience via API.

Managing an Audience

You can easily edit and delete your Audiences from the "Audiences" tab.
For each Audience, Batch displays information such as:

  • Display name: Name of the audience, only used in the dashboard.
  • Name: This is the unique ID of your audience.
  • Type: Type of ID used in the campaign (it is always the Custom ID as it is the only ID we manage).
  • Estimate / IDs: estimated number of Profiles matching the IDs in the audience. Depending on the number of IDs included in your audience, the estimate may take several minutes to calculate the number of tokens matching your audience.
  • Last update: Date of the last update.

Note that the Dashboard displays Audiences associated to Push v1 which is siloed by Platform (in iOS, Android and Web tabs) and Audiences associated to Push v2, email and SMS channels, in the Omnichannel tab.