
This feature allows you to create and save dynamic user Segments and use these Segments in the targeting of omnichannel Orchestrations.

You can leverage Segments in three area of Batch described below.

The Segment page

From this page, you can see the list of all your Segments with their names, estimated reach and the number of orchestrations to which they are attached.

From the Segments table you can :

  • Create your Segments.
    • You can have up to 500 active Segments.
  • Access a filtered view of the Campaigns and Automations that use the different Segments ("View X campaign" and "View X automation" buttons in the three dots menu).
  • Modify or delete your Segments.
    • It is not possible to delete a segment if it is used in one or several running orchestrations.
    • If a Segment used in a running orchestration is modified, the orchestration will automatically take into account the change. To be noted that the update is not instantaneous: if a message sending has already begun, the modifications to the Segment cannot be taken into account.
  • Export your Segments
    • Click on the "Export profiles" option in the three dots menu to request a Segment export. You will then receive a link to download the export by Email. The link will remain available for 3 months after receipt of the Email.
      • As profile data is sensitive, only Admin users can export Segments.
    • Details of the export file :
      • It is in CSV format.
      • Its name contains the extract date and the Segment name.
      • It contains the list of profiles in the Segment at the time of export, with the following information on each profile: Custom ID, Profile ID, phone number and email (when information is available for user).
      • Profiles that have neither install nor custom ID are not exported.

The Query Builder

When creating an Orchestration, you can click on a “Use segment” button, allowing you to :

  • Call Segments as blocks in the targeting.
  • Nest Segments (inclusions and/or exclusions) by calling up to 10 Segments in your targeting.

When a Segment is linked to an Orchestration, you can access/ view the Segment from the query builder regardless of the campaign status (draft, running, complete) by clicking on the eye icon.

You can also call Segments in the targeting of Campaigns created by API.

The Campaigns and Automations listings

You can filter these listings by Segments in addition to existing filters (channel, date, status...).