Message composition follows a similar process for:
- Campaigns
- Recurring Automations
- Trigger Automation Steps
Refer to the corresponding channel documentation for detailed guidance on message composition:
Multi-Language Selection
Message composition handle multiple languages versions across all channels.
When enabled, you can easily create and manage different language versions of the same message. Profiles will receive the version matching the language set in their profile.
A default language message is mandatory to ensure delivery to profiles whose language is not covered by the redacted versions.
To streamline the creation of new language versions:
- Email: The default language template is duplicated and can be customized independently for each language.
- Push: Media and icons from the default template are duplicated and can also be customized independently.
Languages can be added or removed at any time even when the orchestration is live.
Results can be analyzed by language. However, splits are only available for non-deleted language versions.
A/B Test
The A/B testing feature is available for Push and Email Campaigns, as well as Recurring Automations.
Creating an A/B Test
To create an A/B test, simply enable the “A/B Testing” toggle at the top of the message composer.
A/B testing can be used in combination with Multi-Language: you can set specific languages for each variant.
Once A/B testing is activated, you can create up to four variants:
- By duplicating an existing variant.
- We recommend that you first add the languages and message content per language to the variant you want to duplicate, as the languages will also be duplicated.
- By creating a new variant from scratch.
Profiles are distributed randomly and equally among the variants. For example, with four variants, each will receive 25% of the profiles.
Each field—such as sender, subject, reply-to, and email body for email, or message title, body, deeplink, image, and custom icon for push—can be customized for each variant.
Note: For push messages, parameters in the “Advanced settings” section (e.g., priority, payload) are common to all variants.
Managing a Running A/B Test
Once an orchestration with an A/B test is launched, adding or deleting variants is not possible to maintain consistency.
- To test new variants alongside existing ones, replicate the orchestration (this will replicate all variants, even if a winner has been chosen) and launch a new orchestration.
However, you can modify the content of variants after launch. Keep in mind that such changes may bias the test.
- It is recommended to only edit variants for critical errors (e.g., typos, incorrect images).
Note: It is not possible to activate A/B testing on a standard Recurring Automation that has already been launched.
Specific Cases for Recurring Automations
Variant stability: Profiles re-entering the automation will always remain assigned to the same variant they were assigned previously until a winner is elected.
- Example: If a profile was assigned to Variant A initially, they will continue receiving Variant A until a winner is selected.
- This ensures consistent communication with users.
You can choose a winner from the Analytics page, using the “Pick Winner” button in the A/B test results table to send this variant for all profiles targeted by the Automation.
- Once a winner is chosen, other variants can no longer be reactivated and variant stability is no longer applied.
- If you want to start a new test, replicate the automation.
Reviewing A/B Test Results
An A/B test results table is available in the Analytics section, showing key metrics for each variant.
For emails, the best-performing metrics (e.g., highest open/click rates, lowest unsubscribe rate) are highlighted in green. For push, the highest open rate is highlighted. These indicators help you choose the winning variant based on performance.
The results table has two statuses:
- Test Period: Metrics are updated in real-time as messages are sent. Filters on the Analytics page apply to this data.
- Post-Test Period: Once a winner is selected, metrics for the variants are fixed and no longer update (except for interactions with messages sent before the winner selection). The table is greyed out and moved to the bottom of the page. Analytics filters no longer apply to the A/B test results.
Example: If Variant A is chosen as the winner, and a user opens Variant B (sent before the winner selection), the open metric for Variant B will still update in the results table. However, any interactions with Variant A after it is declared the winner will not update the test metrics.
Channel metrics (all metrics outside the A/B test results table) data combines the statistics from the AB test phase (from the different variants) and the post-test phase following the winner's choice. In other words, it shows all messages delivered since the launch of the Orchestration.
If you want to see the statistics for the winner only, use the date filters, setting the start date to the date on which the winner was elected.
Preview as & Send a test
Preview as
Preview messages using any profile to check how personalization is applied. Simply enter the profile's Custom ID. If needed, you can locate the Custom ID by searching the Profile View with the email address or installation ID.
The Profiles previously used for previews are automatically saved, making them easily accessible for future checks.
Send a Test
Testing your message before sending it to your audience is highly recommended to ensure proper delivery and correct rendering.
For each channel, input the relevant recipient details:
- Email: Enter email addresses separated with commas (,).
- SMS: Enter a phone number in international format (e.g., +33...).
- Push: Enter an installation ID or Custom ID.
Recipient details for tests are also saved automatically for quick access during future tests.
The test message sent will match your current configuration in the Batch dashboard, specifically:
- The profile being impersonated using the Preview as feature.
- The language version currently visible (if multi-language is enabled).
- The A/B test variant currently visible (if A/B testing is enabled).
This setup allows maximum flexibility to test any message composition effectively.
For additional details on test email-specific behaviors, refer to the dedicated section here.
Preview as and Send a test are useful for validating your message. However, to test an automation flow and its trigger event, follow these steps.
Error Prevention
If your message is incomplete, you’ll receive a detailed warning, and the orchestration cannot be launched. However, it can still be saved as a draft for completion later.
Refer to the dedicated sections for each channel to see what elements are mandatory.
Note that what is explaind on this page is focused on how messages works for email, SMS and Push v2 channels. For Push v1, the behavior is slighly similar with a few differences. For exemples the AB test has only 2 variants. Note that what is explaind on this page is focused on how messages works for email, SMS and Push v2 channels. For Push v1, the behavior is slighly similar with a few differences. For exemples the AB test has only 2 variants.