SMS subscription

The Android Batch SDK allows you to:

  • Add and remove phone number from a user profile. The profile will automatically be created if needed.
  • Edit a profile's marketing subscription for the SMS channel.

In order to set a phone number and subscription status on a profile, the creation of a project is required. If no project is set up, any calls made for these actions will be ignored.

Here is how to set a phone number with a marketing subscription:

  • Swift
  • Objective-C
// This requires to have a custom user ID registered by calling the `identify` method beforehand.
BatchProfile.editor { editor in
  try? editor.setPhoneNumber("+33123456789") // Nil to erase. A valid E.164 phone number.
  editor.setSMSMarketingSubscriptionState(.subscribed) // or .unsubscribed
   // If you prefer to use BatchProfile.editor() with local variable instead of using a closure,
   // remember to use afterwards so that the changes are taken into account.
  • The phone number must be an E.164 formatted string starting with a + and not longer than 15 digits without any special characters. It should match the following regular expression : ^\+[0-9]{1,15}$
  • Remember if you call editor method before startWithAPIKey it will return nil. You should always call it after you started the SDK, and check nullity to be safe.