Custom region/language

Batch allows you to set a custom region or a custom language that will override the value detected by the SDK. By default, Batch collects the language and the country of your users' devices.

Setting a custom region/language is useful if:

  • You don't want to use the values detected by Batch.
  • Your users can choose their own language or region for localization purposes.

Custom locale

Writing custom region/language

Here is how to set a custom region/language:

  .setLanguage("en") // Language must be 2 chars, lowercase, ISO 639 formatted
  .setRegion("US") // Region must be 2 chars, uppercase, ISO 3166 formatted

To unset the custom language/region, use null.

Reading custom region/language

Keep in mind that the data returned is only about your installation and not your Profile since it may be updated from another source.

    // Result might be 'null' if Batch isn't started or if no override has been set
    var region = await BatchUser.instance.language ?? 'none';
    var region = await BatchUser.instance.region ?? 'none';