GET - List

The App Data API enables you to create, update, delete and list data you associated to your application. App Data lets you create tables of key/value pairs. It is for application centric data as opposed to user centric data. You can use the data in your targeting queries and/or in a message template.

Request structure


The App Data API exposes a GET endpoint that lets you list App Data tables:

Here is a valid cURL example:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Authorization: BATCH_REST_API_KEY" -X GET ""

The BATCH_API_KEY value is either your Live, Dev or SDK Batch API key from the settings page of your app within the dashboard (⚙ Settings → General).


In order to authenticate with the API, you need to provide your company REST API Key as the value of the X-Authorization header. You can find it in ⚙ Settings → General.

Get parameters

fromInteger - Optional, Default : 0
Value used for pagination : it indicates the offset of the first table to be returned. Tables are sorted by creation date (from the most recent to the oldest).
limitInteger - Optional, Default : 10, Max : 100
Value that indicates the maximum number of tables to be returned per API call.

Here is an example of a valid cURL command which would return 5 tables, starting from the 10th table (sorted by creation date in descending order):

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Authorization: BATCH_REST_API_KEY" -X GET



If the GET to the API endpoint is successful you will receive an HTTP 200 confirmation and information about your audiences.

  "app_data": [
      "name": "your_table_name",
      "description": "The table description",
      "nb_rows": 135, // the number of keys
      "size": 40500, // the size in bytes
      "created": "2018-06-29T14:59:03",
      "updated": "2018-12-29T15:07:32"
      "name": "another_table",
      "description": "The table description",
      "nb_rows": 268,
      "size": 80800, // the size in bytes
      "created": "2018-06-29T13:12:09",
      "updated": "2018-06-29T13:42:59"


If the POST data does not meet the API requirements you will receive an actionable error message. Contact us at if you need further support.

  • AUTHENTICATION_INVALID (Http status code: 401, Error code: 10)
  • API_MISUSE (Http status code: 403, Error code: 12)
  • ROUTE_NOT_FOUND (Http status code: 404, Error code: 20)
  • MISSING_PARAMETER (Http status code: 400, Error code: 30)
  • MALFORMED_PARAMETER (Http status code: 400, Error code: 31)
  • MALFORMED_JSON_BODY (Http status code: 400, Error code: 32)
  • SERVER_ERROR (Http status code: 500, Error code: 1)
  • MAINTENANCE_ERROR (Http status code: 503, Error code: 2)