SDK changelog



  • Fixed an issue where Batch wasn't clearing some data when using Batch.optOutAndWipeData(). Since version 2.0, the Batch SDK caches some data (such as device language/region) to detect changes. It's this data that was not deleted when calling the opt-out method with data deletion. This issue only affects local SDK data and not server-side data.



  • Fixed an issue where Batch would crash when using addToArray or removeFromArray on a BatchProfileAttributeEditor instance.



  • Fix an issue where some methods were obfuscated in a class annotated with @keep since AGP 8.0 enables R8 full mode by default.


This is a major release, please see our migration guide for more info on how to update your current Batch implementation.

⚠️ Batch now requires Android min SDK level 21 or higher.


All deprecated APIs in the SDK v1 have been removed and some others have been renamed/reworked.

  • The Config class has been removed with all related methods like Batch.setConfig(Config config) API. You should now use Batch.start(String apiKey).
  • Removed setCanUseAndroidID method from Config with no equivalent.
  • Removed setCanUseInstanceID method from Config with no equivalent.
  • Removed setShouldAutomaticallyRegisterPush method from Config with no equivalent.
  • Removed setUseAdvancedDeviceInformation method from Config. You should now use the new Batch.updateAutomaticDataCollection API. Please see our documentation for more information.
  • Removed Batch.getApiKey with no equivalent.
  • Removed Batch.shouldUseGoogleInstanceID with no equivalent.
  • Removed Batch.shouldAutoRegisterForPush with no equivalent.
  • Removed Batch.isRunningInDevMode with no equivalent.
  • Removed Batch.shouldUseAdvancedDeviceInformation with no equivalent.

Core - Advertising ID

Batch has dropped the support for Android Advertising ID. You can no longer set an advertising id to Batch and all related APIs have been removed.

  • Removed setCanUseAdvertisingID method from Config which was a no-op.
  • Removed Batch.shouldUseAdvertisingID which was a no-op.
  • Removed Batch.getAdvertisingID which was a no-op.
  • Removed class AdsIdentifierProvider.
  • Removed class AdsIdentifierProviderAvailabilityException.
  • Removed class AdsIdentifierProviderAvailabilityException.

Core - New APIs

  • Added Batch.updateAutomaticDataCollection to fine-tune the data sent by the SDK since Batch will not resolve the user's location/region and will not send device type and brand by default.
  • Added Batch.disableMigration(EnumSet<BatchMigration>) to explicitly disable some profile's data migration when running the SDK V2 for the first time if your app is linked to a project.


Most of all user's related APIs have been removed and replaced with their equivalent in the new Profile module. Only the reading methods are still present for backward-compatibility but keep in mind this methods are only about the installation data and not your Profile since it may be updated from another source.

  • Removed deprecated API Batch.User.getEditor.
  • Removed deprecated class BatchUserProfile.
  • Removed method printDebugInformation with no equivalent.
  • Removed method trackTransaction with no equivalent.
  • Removed method Batch.User.editor and the related class BatchUserDataEditor, you should now use Batch.Profile.editor which return an instance of BatchProfileAttributeEditor.
  • Added Batch.User.clearInstallationData() which allows you to remove the installation data without modifying the current profile.


Batch has dropped support for old push providers (GCM, IID) and now only support for FCM's Token APIs. Overriding the Sender ID is no longer possible in any way due to Firebase limitations.

  • Removed deprecated method Batch.setGCMSenderId.
  • Removed deprecated class BatchPushData.
  • Removed deprecated method getPriority from BatchPushPayload.
  • Removed Batch.Push.getLastKnownPushToken. You can now get the whole registration with Batch.Push.getRegistration and use getTokento access to the push token registration.
  • Batch now defaults to showing foreground notifications rather than directly displaying mobile landings.
  • Added Batch.Push.requestNotificationPermission(context, listener) API to request the notification permission with a callback notifying whether the permission has been granted or not.
  • Batch does not honor the batch_push_fcm_sender_id_override AndroidManifest meta-data anymore.


This version introduced two new types of attribute that can be attached to an event : Array and Object.

  • Removed deprecated method Batch.trackEvent(String event, String label, JSONObject data).
  • Removed all trackEvent APIs from the user module. You should now use Batch.Profile.trackEvent.
  • BatchEventData has been renamed into BatchEventAttributes.
  • Removed addTag API from BatchEventData You should now use the $tags key with putStringList method.
  • Removed parameter label from trackEvent API. You should now use the $label key in BatchEventAttributes with the put(string, string) method.
  • Added support for Array and Object attributes with the added APIs to BatchEventAttributes :
    • put(String key, BatchEventAttributes value)
    • putObjectList(String key, List<BatchEventAttributes> value)
    • putStringList(String key, List<String> value)
  • Added validateEventAttributes method to BatchEventAttributes which return a list of human-readable errors to ensure your event attributes are valid before sending them.


  • Removed deprecated Batch.Inbox.getFetcher method.
  • Removed deprecated isDeleted method from BatchInboxNotificationContent.


Introduced Profile, a new module that enables interacting with profiles. Its functionality replaces most of the User module used to do.

  • Added identify API as replacement of Batch.User.editor().setIdentifier.
  • Added editor method to get a new instance of an BatchProfileAttributeEditor as replacement of BatchUserDataEditor.
  • Added trackEvent APIs as replacement of the Batch.User.trackEvent methods.
  • Added trackLocation API as replacement of the BatchUser.trackLocation method.



  • Fixed a rare crash on In-App Webview format that could happen when Batch would get the deeplink url for an image embedded into a hyperlink.
  • Fixed a rare crash on In-App and Mobile Landing that could happen when Batch would display a wrong gif format.



  • Fixed an issue where an inbox fetcher could have a wrong configuration.



  • Removed support for optional Play Core library. You should now use the Play In-App Review Library. Please see our documentation for more info.


  • Removed automatic collection of AAID (Android Advertising Identifier). setCanUseAdvertisingID is now a no-op. You need to collect it from your side and pass it to Batch via the added Batch.User.editor().setAttributionIdentifier(id) method.


  • To help with FCM v1 API migration, the SDK will send the GCP Project ID associated to the FCM Token to Batch's backend. This is not supported in legacy GCM/FCM Instance ID modes.


This release backports changes from 1.21.1


  • Fixed an issue where an inbox fetcher could have a wrong configuration.



  • Fixed an issue on BatchUserDataEditor where data wasn't sent when using setEmail or setEmailMarketingSubscriptionState.



  • Batch now compiles with and targets SDK 34 (Android 14 'Upside Down Cake').
  • Fixed a rare issue where the SDK could trigger an ANR on start when upgraded from an older version.


  • Improved notification image by making notifications taller if possible and changing scaling type to Center Fit.


  • Added Batch.User.editor().setEmail(email) method. This requires to have a user identifier registered or to call the setIdentifier method on the editor instance beforehand.
  • Added Batch.User.editor().setEmailMarketingSubscriptionState(BatchEmailSubscriptionState) method to subscribe to the email marketing list.


  • Added the ability to know if a BatchLandingMessage has been displayed from the inbox via the isDisplayedFromInbox() method.
  • Added the ability to know if a notification has a landing message attached on BatchInboxNotificationContent using the hasLandingMessage() method.
  • Added the ability to display a landing message attached to a BatchInboxNotificationContent using the displayLandingMessage(context) method.



  • Fixed an issue for In-App Webview format where Batch would get the wrong deeplink url for an image enbedded into a hyperlink.



  • Fixed an issue where Batch would crash when advertising ID collection is enabled and the Firebase Messaging library is not present



  • Batch now compiles with and targets SDK 33 (Android 13).
  • Improved support for Android 13 Tiramisu.
  • Added a new API: Batch.Push.requestNotificationPermission(context). This allows you to request for the new notification permission introduced in Android 13. See the documentation for more info.
  • Fixed an issue where BatchNotificationChannelsManager.openSystemChannelSettings(context) wasn't working with an application context.


  • Added batch.android_smart_reoptin, which asks the user the notification permission or redirect to the notification settings.
  • Added batch.android_redirect_settings, which redirects the user to the notification settings.



  • Fixed a rare crash on Wiko devices when a high priority push was received in battery saving mode.

Event Dispatcher

  • Fixed a crash that could happen when using Batch SDK 1.19+ with ATInternet or Firebase dispatcher plugins < 3.0.


  • Fixed a display issue on Modals with an image but no title.



  • Batch now compiles and targets SDK 32 (Android 12L).
  • Important change: Batch now declares to use the android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission in its manifest. If you want to remove it, add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" tools:node="remove" /> in your app's AndroidManifest.
  • Fixed some rare ANRs produced when receiving push.
  • Identical push messages sent twice by FCM will now only be displayed once.
  • Batch will now try to display FCM high priority push notifications directly rather than scheduling a Job.

Event Dispatchers

  • Added getName and getVersion on BatchEventDispatcher. If you are using a Batch dispatcher plugin, please update it.


  • Added global frequency capping management for in-app campaigns.
  • Improved the way In-App campaigns are triggered.
  • Added just-in-time verification for in-app campaigns.


  • Added the ability to disable the filtering of silent notifications on BatchInboxFetcher using the setFilterSilentNotifications method.
  • Important change: Silent notifications are now filtered by default: use the new property if you relied on the previous behaviour.

This brings the Android SDK in line with its iOS counterpart, which has always filtered silent notifications as expected.



  • Fixed a display issue on Modals with an image but no title.



  • Fixed an issue where the AAR's shrinking would result in classes being repackaged as generic names outside of "".
    This could have caused package collisions in some cases. The shrinking behaviour now matches pre-1.18 releases.


  • Fixed some rare crashes and improved out of memory handling in In-App Messaging.
  • Improved error handling in WebView In-Apps. They should now behave more like a browser when encountering load failures.
  • Changed the way In-App campaigns start and end dates are computed on Samsung devices to be more reliable.
  • Prevent Xiaomi devices from overriding theme colors in dark mode.


  • Fixed an issue where the FindMyInstallation feature could lead to a crash.



  • Fixed a crash that could happen when using APIs (such as Batch.optOut()) when the SDK isn't started.



  • Fixed detection of indonesian, hebrew and yiddish languages.
  • Improved how the device locale is detected to better support language variations.
  • Fixed an issue where the direct opens weren't always tracked in singleTop/singleTask activities using onNewIntent.


  • The event tracker now retries less aggressively in deteriorated network conditions.
  • Added URL type (using in event data.


  • Added URL type in custom attributes.


  • Fixed an issue where in-app campaigns could lead to a crash of the app when swiping to dismiss.
  • Added support for Activity Exclusion. This allows to easily exclude some activities such as a splash screen from Batch rather than having to implement a Do Not Disturb mode. Intent forwarding is automatically handled by the SDK.


  • Added compatibility with FCM Tokens. Batch now supports firebase-messaging 22.0.0 natively without having to add firebase-iid.


  • Batch will now cache notifications marked as read or deleted to avoid any synchronization issues.
  • Method isDeleted() from BatchInboxNotificationContent is now deprecated.


  • Fixed an issue where the debug activity would show the advertising identifier even if it was disabled. The bug was purely cosmetic and the identifier was not sent to Batch.
  • Batch will now copy the installation ID to the clipboard when the application is foregrounded multiple times in a short timespan. This is enabled by default, you can disable it at any moment by using Batch.setFindMyInstallationEnabled(false).


Event Dispatchers

  • Fixed an issue where event dispatchers added via Batch.EventDispatcher.addDispatcher() were unregistered when Batch stopped: they will stay registered.
    Statically declared (such as Batch's builtin ones) were unregistered and re-registered on start: those are now loaded only once in the Application's lifetime.



  • Added a package query entry in AndroidManifest.xml for to make Play Store detection work more accurately on Huawei devices.


  • Fix in-app campaigns cache being unreadable.


  • Fixed an issue where builtin event track action would not be able to parse dates on Lollipop and lower.



  • Fixed a memory leak due to Batch retaining the first activity that appeared on screen.


  • Fixed a bug where batch.user.event would fail is no event label was specified. This aligns the behaviour with iOS' implementation.


  • Tracking an event with an empty label now behaves as if the label was null. Event labels that are only composed of whitespaces are unchanged for compatibility.


  • Caching has been disabled on the WebView format.



  • Added a package query entry in AndroidManifest.xml for com.huawei.appmarket to enable detection of the Huawei AppGallery.
  • Added missing android:exported manifest attributes in preparation for Android 12.


  • Added batch.rating, which asks the user to review your app using the Google Play In-App Review API. To enable in-app review, add the dependency to your project. If the library is missing or fails, the SDK will open the Play Store/Huawei AppGallery.
  • Added batch.clipboard, which can copy text to the clipboard.


  • Added support for a new UI format: WebView. See documentation for more info.
  • Added onBatchMessageCancelledByError on Batch.Messaging.LifecycleListener, called when a message could not be loaded due to an error when loading the message's content.
  • Added onBatchMessageWebViewActionTriggered on Batch.Messaging.LifecycleListener, called when a in-app webview format action has been triggered.
  • In-App campaign cache is now cleared on server errors


  • Important change: Push open pending intents are now created with FLAG_IMMUTABLE on Android M and higher in preparation for Android 12.
    This also applies to PendingIntent instances returned by Batch.Push.makePendingIntent*() methods.

Event Dispatchers

  • Added the new event types MESSAGING_CLOSE_ERROR and MESSAGING_WEBVIEW_CLICK. See javadoc for more info.


This release backports changes from 1.17.2

  • Fix in-app campaigns cache being unreadable.


This release backports changes from 1.17.1


  • Fixed a memory leak due to Batch retaining the first activity that appeared on screen.


  • Fixed a bug where batch.user.event would fail is no event label was specified. This aligns the behaviour with iOS' implementation.


  • Tracking an event with an empty label now behaves as if the label was null. Event labels that are only composed of whitespaces are unchanged for compatibility.



  • Fix an issue where Batch might lose some module configuration (such as the push small icon) when an activity is destroyed and no other is on screen.


  • Fix a bug where query parameters of rich push media URLs were escaped twice, making use of non URL safe characters impossible.



  • Fix in-app campaigns cache being unreadable. This caused an issue where in-app campaigns with a NEW_SESSION trigger would not work if Android or the user killed the application process.



  • Fixed a crash that happened when using Messaging (In-App messages/Mobile landings) or the Debug view. It was due to the removal of a default proguard rule, resulting in broken R references.



  • Batch is now built using the Android 11 (API Level 30) SDK, and targets it. Android 11 is fully supported.
  • Batch is now built using R8 rather than proguard.
  • Add support for Push/Advertising ID plugins.
  • Support for TLS versions older than 1.2 has been disabled for devices on Lollipop and higher. Devices on 4.1 to 4.4 might still use TLS 1.1 for compatiblity.
  • Should to fix an issue where Google would report a security issue in due to our usage of an ECB cipher. We've always used standard HTTPS for our network communication: the weak encryption is only used for an additional layer of security on disk and during transport.


  • Enhanced the way the SDK fetchs notifications from the servers to greatly reduce bandwidth usage. No public API change.


  • Fixed an issue where In-App messages might not survive rotation with newer AndroidX core versions.
  • Fixed an issue where rotating an autoclosable In-App message would not show the right countdown.
  • Fixed an issue where LeakCanary would temporarily report a leak with autoclosable messages. This was due to a delayed callback that eventually went away: Batch now cancels it sooner.
  • Auto closable In-App messages won't attempt to dismiss themselves in the background anymore: they'll check if they should have been in onStart.



  • Fixed a crash where the app would crash if the user rotated an automatically dismissing fullscreen/modal/image template.


  • Added support for Date in BatchEventData.
  • BatchEventData now supports up to 15 attributes (used to be 10).
  • BatchUserAttribute now has a public constructor for easier mocking.



  • Tweaked how the log levels work to be more like how logcat works. The default logger level is now VERBOSE and INTERNAL implies all other log levels. Breaking: LoggerLevel.isGreaterOrEqual has been renamed to LoggerLevel.canLog


  • The "Registration ID/Push Token" log has been accidentally set as internal in 1.15.0. It is now public again.



  • Migrated to AndroidX. Batch now explicitely depends on androidx core. The SDK now explicitly depends on androidx.core:core:1.0.0. Please upgrade your version of the support library accordingly.
  • BatchNotificationAction.getSupportActions no longer throws exception, as androidx.core is now an explicit dependency.


  • Fix an exception that occurred when the <application> entry in the manifest had no <meta-data> children.
  • Improved In-App view tracker error handling.
  • Added support for external analytics using EventDispatcher. See the documentation for more details.
  • Added a new feature for developers: a debug view is now available using Batch.Debug.startDebugActivity.
  • Remove obfuscation on BatchOptOutResultListener.ErrorPolicy enum.
  • Added the ability to change the logger level using Config.


  • Added an interface BatchDeeplinkInterceptor to override some aspects of a deeplink that Batch wants to open.


  • Improved accessibility of all message formats
  • Fixed an issue where an Image/Modal format set to auto close would crash if the user moved to another app before the countdown was elapsed.


  • System notification authorization is now reported to Batch's servers.
    This includes channels support: the default channel override is used to measure the status if set, otherwise Batch's default channel is used.
  • Batch.Push.setNotificationsColor() now explicitly takes a ColorInt
  • Batch.Push.setSmallIconResourceId() now explicitly takes a DrawableRes
  • The notification default color will now be the value of your theme's colorPrimary attribute rather than black.
  • If no small icon has been set when configuring Batch, the SDK will now fallback on Firebase's


  • Added the markAsDeleted method on BatchInboxFetcher, allowing the deletion of notifications


  • Saving a UserDataEditor before Batch is started now enqueues the changes instead of failing. If Batch is not started before the process dies, changes will be lost. This change does not affect BatchUserProfile, which has been deprecated for a while.



  • Fix a crash that could occur on resume if the application process was killed after backgrounding the app on a messaging activity.



  • Fix a crash that could occur when the activity backing the "Image" format is stopped.



  • Fix grace periods greater than 119 hours not working


  • Fixed wrong visiblity and obfuscation of methods in BatchUserAttribute
  • Added @NonNull annotations to BatchAttributesFetchListener and BatchTagCollectionsFetchListener


  • Switched back to Proguard from R8. This should fix an issue with Firebase Performance.
  • Notifications using BigPictureStyle will now show the big picture as the large icon when collapsed, if no other large icon was set. Note: this feature requires androidx.core
  • All SDK XML resources have been marked as private and will not show up in code completion anymore.


BREAKING: Batch now requires Java 1.8 source support.
You may need to enable desugaring to make Batch work with your project by adding the following in your build.gradle:

android {
  compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

NOTE: This release is one of the last supporting the legacy Android support libraries. Please start migrating to AndroidX to ensure a smooth upgrade experience in the future.


  • Requires Android Studio 3.0 or higher with d8 enabled.
  • Fix some potential bugs with BatchActions in some locales.
  • Batch will not catch RuntimeExceptions occurring in implementations of BatchNotificationInterceptor: they will now crash your app as they should have.
  • Batch.push.setGCMSenderId() has been deprecated: Please migrate to FCM as soon as possible. GCM and GCM-legacy support will be removed from the SDK in a later release.
  • Synchronization of user attributes and tags is now more optimized, resulting in less network requests.
  • Other various bugfixes.$
  • Included new license information in the release zips and the artifact metadata. If you integrate using maven central, licenses will be picked up by


  • High level data (language/region/custom user id) can now be read back.
  • User data (attributes and tags) can now be read back. [Documentation]/android/custom-data/custom-attributes#_reading-attributes-and-tag-collections)


  • Notification content is now visible on the lockscreen by default, even when locked. Use a notification interceptor if you want to override the visibility when showing sensitive content.


  • Added support for two new UI formats: Modal, and Image. See the documentation for more information.

  • Added support for GIFs in Mobile Landings and In-App messages.

  • Added support for rich text.

  • Added support for text scrolling in all formats. Banners will now have a maximum body height of ~160pt, and their text will scroll.

  • Support for opening deeplinks from In-App Messaging and Mobile Landings into a Custom Tab

  • Added new methods on Batch.Messaging.LifecycleListener allowing you to track more information such as close/autoclose and button presses. More info in the Mobile Landings documentation.

  • Batch.Messaging.LifecycleListener methods are no longer called on each rotation



  • SDK is now built with the Pie SDK, and targets API Level 28.

  • Opting-out from the SDK now sends an event notifying the server of this. If a data wipe has been asked, the request will also be forwarded to the server. New methods have been introduced to be informed of the status of the request to update your UI accordingly, and possibly revert the opt-out if the network is unreachable.


  • Exposed the tag Batch uses to display notifications in the constant Batch.NOTIFICATION_TAG. You can use this to cancel notifications, or use other APIs that require finding notifications by ID and tag.

  • Added Batch.Messaging.setShowForegroundLandings(). It allows you to disable Batch's default behaviour to forward push messages containing landings to the app if it is in the foreground. Call this method with false will result in notifications always being posted no matter what the application state is.


Event data support has been overhauled. As a result:

  • Introduced BatchEventData. Use this class to attach attributes and tags to an event. See this class' documentation for more information about limits.
  • Batch.User.trackEvent(String name, Stringlabel, JSONObject data) has been deprecated
  • Calls to this method will log deprecation warnings in the console
  • Legacy data (JSONObject) will be converted to BatchEventData. Same data format restrictions apply: Any key/value entry that can't be converted will be ignored, and logged. Tags are not supported
  • Introduced Batch.User.trackEvent(String name, Stringlabel, BatchEventData data), replacing the deprecated method.

More info in the event documentation.


  • FCM registration errors are now more explicitly logged
  • Fix an error when a "null" registration ID could be logged
  • Add support for server-side Sender ID detection. The Sender ID has also been included in the registration broadcast introduced in 1.12.0


  • Batch now fully supports Firebase Cloud Messaging. Note that existing Batch integrations will NOT automatically be migrated to FCM. You should follow the [migration steps]/android/advanced/fcm-migration.html) before April 2019.

  • Added methods to handle opting-out from Batch, and wiping user data.
    Please see Batch.optOut(), Batch.optOutAndWipeData() and Batch.optIn().
    You can control whether Batch is opted out from by default using a manifest meta-data entry:
    <meta-data android:name="batch_opted_out_by_default" android:value="false" />
    For compatibility reasons, Batch will be enabled by default.
    More info in our documentation.

  • When a push registration identifier has successfully been fetched, Batch will now broadcast it as the action definied by Batch.ACTION_REGISTRATION_IDENTIFIER_OBTAINED. More info in the documentation.

  • Banners now correctly track their display, and trigger a onBatchMessageShown() call on your LifecycleListener if one is set.

  • Displaying a banner will dismiss any currently displayed banner

  • Deprecated Config.setCanUseAndroidID: Android id is never collected anymore.

  • Deprecated Config.setCanUseInstanceID: users should migrate to FCM.

  • Added android.permission.INTERNET, android.permission.WAKE_LOCK and android.permission.VIBRATE in Batch's manifest, meaning that your app will automatically require them with no additional manifest changes. This should not impact you as they're required by many libraries, including Google's, and have always been required for Batch to work. If you didn't have them already, this might trigger a permission request on pre Marshmallow devices: please look at the manifest merger output to see if this impacts you.

  • Fixed some rare crashes that could happen on some Android emulators that broadcast malformed Google Play Services intents.

  • Various javadoc fixes

Note: This version is the last one supporting Android Studio 2.x. Batch 1.13 will ONLY support Android Studio 3.x and later.


  • Added support for Banners in In-App Messaging

    If your app uses the Mobile Landing/In-App Messaging manual mode, you need to update your implementation to support banners. Please check the [updated manual mode documentation]/android/mobile-landings) for more information.

  • Fix an issue where an exception could be thrown if an invalid deeplink was supplied when setting up an In-App Message's buttons.

  • The SDK will now log the current Installation ID on start


  • Unobfuscated InAppMessageUserActionSource, which is implemented by BatchInAppMessage
  • Fixed an exception that could be thrown when using the Inbox APIs in the background. While it will not throw an exception anymore, the fetcher will still not work in these conditions if used in 'user identifier' mode: In order to fix this, please use Batch.Inbox.getFetcher(Context, String, String) rather than Batch.Inbox.getFetcher(String, String).
  • Fix a bug where the image of an In-App message could be distorted after a double rotation.
  • Added a method getNotificationIdentifier() on BatchInboxNotificationContent, which allows you to retrieve a unique identifier for this specific notification.
  • Added a variant of Batch.Push.appendBatchData() compatible with BatchNotificationInterceptor implementations
  • Added Batch.Push.makePendingIntent(Intent), to generate a valid PendingIntent from an Intent, suitable for a Notification's builder. Please note that it will override the intent's action. If you rely on a custom action, you will have to make your own PendingIntent.
  • Added Batch.Push.makePendingIntentForDeeplink(String), to generate a valid PendingIntent for a deeplink string, suitable for a Notification's builder, using Batch's action activity.
  • Improve builtin proguard rules. The number of library classes kept because of Batch is now much lower.
  • Added detection for invalid sender IDs, and overall better error reporting when FCM/GCM registration fails.


  • Improved handling of new Android O backgrounding limitations
  • Fixed Do Not Disturb mode not working properly
  • Fixed a bug where activities opened by a push using a deeplink did not contain the Batch.Push.PAYLOAD_KEY extra
  • Fixed an issue with Android Oreo channels
  • Added APIs to copy Batch's data from an intent to another. See Batch.copyBatchExtras
  • Added a method on BatchInAppMessage, allowing you to fetch the visual content of the message. See BatchInAppMessage.getContent for more info
  • Added proguard rules to exclude support-v4 NotificationCompat related classes


  • Introduced In-App Campaigns
  • Added a Do Not Disturb mode on Batch.Messaging, allowing easier control of when landings will be shown


  • Batch is now available on Maven Central!
  • Unofbuscated classes that have been wrongly obfuscated before. BatchNotificationAction is now available.
  • Introducing BatchNotificationInterceptor, which allows you to change the generated notificationId or change the NotificationCompat.Builder instance that Batch uses to display notifications. This allows you to add features such as a Wear extender, etc.


  • Batch SDK is now built with and targets API 26
  • Added support for Android 8.0 Notification Channels

   See Batch.Push.getChannelsManager() and our channels documentation to tweak how Batch handles them.

  • Batch requires support-v4 26.0.0, for notifications to work with Android 8.0. (As of writing, only 26.0.0-beta2 is available)
  • Eclipse support had been dropped


  • Added the Inbox module, allowing you to fetch previously received notifications from your code. More info: Inbox documentation


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed Batch.Ads and Batch.Unlock methods and related classes.
  • Added Batch.User.trackLocation, allowing you to natively track user position updates
  • Added global notification sound override using Batch.Push.setSound(Uri)
  • Un-obfuscated the exception returned by some of BatchPushPayload's methods
  • Deprecated Batch.isRunningInDevMode. It is useless, as DEV API Keys always start with "DEV"


  • Fix a bug where the delegate set on BatchMessaging was never called.


  • Fixed a bug that could cause notifications to open the wrong deeplink if multiple notifications were present in the notification shade


  • Fixed a bug where events would stop working after rotation in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where Batch wouldn't work properly with translucent/floating activities


  • Fixed a bug where mobile landings buttons could be misplaced



  • Batch now requires Android 4.0.3 (API Level 15)
  • Batch now targets Android 7 (API Level 24), and should only be used in apps that compile with that SDK version. You should also use a v24 support-v4 library with it.
  • Updated notification behaviour to be more adapted to changes introduced in Nougat
  • setCanUseAdvancedDeviceInformation() has been introduced on the Config object to reduce the quantity of device information Batch will use. Note that disabling this will limit several dashboard features.
  • BatchPushData has been deprecated in favour of BatchPushPayload, which is easier to use and will allow you to read anything used by Batch's standard push receiver. It's also easier to instanciate from an intent/bundle, and easier to serialize.
  • InstanceID support has been merged into the main SDK. If migrating from an older SDK, you'll need to add a new service in your manifest, as described in the push setup.
  • The overall method count has been reduced.


  • Fix a rare memory leak for the last activity
  • Internal bugfixes


  • Added Batch.Push.getNotificationsType()
  • Threads used by Batch are now named
  • Batch.User.getEditor() has been renamed: Please use Batch.User.editor(). The old method will still work, but has been deprecated
  • Additional intent flags can now be set for the activity started when opening a Push using Batch.Push.setAdditionalIntentFlags(int)
  • Added "BatchActivityLifecycleHelper", an implementation of the "Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks" interface to use with "registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks()"



  • Fix JSON issues on Android 4.3 and below



  • Fix a bug where clearTagCollection incorrectly cleared all attributes



  • Custom user data (attributes, tags and events)
  • Added an API to retrieve Batch's unique installation identifier
  • Deprecated BatchUserProfile
  • Added ability to start Batch in a service


Batch Ads has been discontinued

Added a method to get the last known push token

Minor push bugfixes



New Manual Push helper.



Introduced Manual Push mode.

Other Push improvements and minor bug fixes



Introduced Native Ads.

Deprecated legacy Ads methods in order to prevent confusion between Native and Interstitial Ads. More info in the 1.2 to 1.3 migration guide



Fixed a bug that prevented a push notification from showing up in rare scenarios



Fixed bug that caused conflicts if an ad was accidentally reused a second time.



We reduced the SDK method count by 25%, decreasing the SDK size to 664kb.



Fixed error that affected use of Unlock daily capping.



Batch Ads (interstitials) released.



Added big text to push notifications.



Batch Push released.



Batch out of beta testing and 1.0 published.