SDK changelog



  • Fixed a build issue related to Codegen.
  • Batch now publish TypeScript source files since Codegen does not support DTS files for Turbo Module specifications.



  • Updated Batch to 2.1
  • Batch requires iOS 13.0 or higher.
  • Batch requires to compile with SDK 35 (Android 15).
  • Added support for React-Native New Architecture Turbo Module. This requires React-Native 0.71+ when running with new architecture enabled, as Codegen and Turbo Module are fully supported. Batch is still backwards compatible with legacy Native Modules.


  • Batch now automatically adds Apple push notification entitlement since it was removed from Expo SDK 51.


  • Removed deprecated API registerForRemoteNotifications. Please use requestNotificationAuthorization to request permission when needed, and requestToken at each app launch.


  • Added setPhoneNumber API to the BatchProfileAttributeEditor class. This requires to have a user identifier registered or to call the identify method beforehand.
  • Added setSMSMarketingSubscription API to the BatchProfileAttributeEditor class.


  • Added messagingCustomPayload property to BatchMessagingEventPayload (only for In-App Message).
  • Added pushPayload property to BatchMessagingEventPayload (only for Mobile Landing).


  • Added isSilent property to IInboxNotification.
  • Added setFilterSilentNotifications method to BatchInboxFetcher. Default value is true.
  • ⚠ BREAKING: body property from IInboxNotification is now nullable since the inbox fetcher may not filter silent notifications.



  • Fixed an issue where Batch could miss the first activity start.



  • Fixed an issue on iOS where the RNBatch import was not added during the Expo pre-build.


This is a major release, please see our migration guide for more info on how to update your current Batch implementation.


  • Updated Batch to 2.0. For more information see the ios and android changelog .
  • Batch requires iOS 13.0 or higher.
  • Batch requires a minSdk level of 21 or higher.


  • The Batch React-Native plugin now automatically registers its own UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate and forwards it to the previous one if it exists. This means you no longer need to add [BatchUNUserNotificationCenterDelegate registerAsDelegate] in your AppDelegate, please delete it. It can be disabled by calling BatchBridgeNotificationCenterDelegate.automaticallyRegister = false before [RNBatch start].


  • Added method isOptedOut to checks whether Batch has been opted out from or not.
  • Added method updateAutomaticDataCollection to fine-tune the data you authorize to be tracked by Batch.


  • Removed method trackTransaction with no equivalent.
  • Removed method BatchUser.editor and the related class BatchUserEditor, you should now use BatchProfile.editor which return an instance of BatchProfileAttributeEditor.
  • Added method clearInstallationData which allows you to remove the installation data without modifying the current profile.


This version introduced two new types of attribute that can be attached to an event : Array and Object.

  • Removed trackEvent APIs from the user module. You should now use BatchProfile.trackEvent.
  • BatchEventData has been renamed into BatchEventAttributes.
  • Removed addTag API from BatchEventData You should now use the $tags key with put method.
  • Removed parameter label from trackEvent API. You should now use the $label key in BatchEventAttributes with the put(string, string) method.
  • Added support for values of type: Array and Object to the put method.


Introduced BatchProfile, a new module that enables interacting with profiles. Its functionality replaces most of BatchUser used to do.

  • Added identify API as replacement of BatchUser.editor().setIdentifier.
  • Added editor method to get a new instance of a BatchProfileAttributeEditor as replacement of BatchUserEditor.
  • Added trackEvent API as replacement of the BatchUser.trackEvent methods.
  • Added trackLocation API as replacement of the BatchUser.trackLocation method.


  • Added configuration field enableDefaultOptOut to control whether Batch is opted out from by default. (default: false)
  • Added configuration fields enableProfileCustomIDMigration and enableProfileCustomDataMigration to control whether Batch should trigger the profile migrations (default: true).



  • Updated Batch 1.21.
  • Batch requires iOS 12.0 or higher.
  • Batch now compiles with and targets SDK 34 (Android 14).
  • Added support for react-native 0.73+
  • Added support for Expo 50.
  • Fixed an issue on iOS where refreshToken was not running on main thread.


  • Removed automatic collection of the advertising id. You need to collect it from your side and pass it to Batch via the added BatchUser.editor().setAttributionIdentifier(id) method.
  • Added setEmail method to BatchUserEditor. This requires to have a user identifier registered or to call the setIdentifier method on the editor instance beforehand.
  • Added setEmailMarketingSubscriptionState method to BatchUserEditor.


  • Added hasLandingMessage property to IInboxNotification.
  • Added displayNotificationLandingMessage method to BatchInboxFetcher.



  • Fixed an issue on Android where open push message events queued on cold start were sent before we could register a listener.



  • Fixed an issue where listening for open push message events wasn't working on cold start.



  • Plugin now compiles with and targets SDK 33 (Android 13).


  • Added a new API: BatchPush.requestNotificationAuthorization(). This allows you to request for the new notification permission introduced in Android 13. See the documentation for more info.



  • Batch requires Xcode 13.4.1
  • Fixed autolinking on react-native 0.69+ and Expo 46



  • Updated Batch 1.19. Batch requires Xcode 13.3.1 and iOS 10.0 or higher.
  • Updated how Batch is imported to support React-Native v0.68 wich now uses Objective-C++.
  • Added support for Expo 45


  • Added getters for identifier, language, region, attributes and tagCollections in BatchUser.
  • Added a fix where you couldn't use setLanguage or setRegion with a nil value on iOS.


There are several breaking changes (indicated with [BREAKING]) so please read along.

Batch SDK version

  • Migrated to Batch SDK v1.18
    • For iOS:
      1. [BREAKING] Make sure to update your Podfile Batch SDK version
      2. [BREAKING] Batch requires Xcode 13 or higher


  • Added URL type in event data with putURL.
  • Added Date type in event data with putDate.


  • Added URL type in custom attributes with setURLAttribute.


  • Added BatchMessaging.addListener to listen for messaging notifications events. See documentation.


  • Added BatchPush.addListener to listen for push notifications events. See documentation to see platform differences.

  • iOS: Deprecated BatchPush.registerForRemoteNotifications by splitting it into two methods:

    • BatchPush.refreshToken, which should be called on every app start after opt-in if you're opted out by default.
    • BatchPush.requestNotificationAuthorization, which should be called whenever you want to ask the user the permission to display notifications.
  • iOS: Added requestProvisionalNotificationAuthorization to request a provisional authorization on iOS 11 and higher.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix isUnread property of a Batch inbox notification : it was previously always undefined, now it is correctly set.
  • Fix crash in trackTransaction when it was called without data as second parameter.


There are several breaking changes (indicated with [BREAKING]) so please read along.


Batch SDK version

  • Migrated to Batch SDK v1.17
    • For iOS:
      1. [BREAKING] Make sure to update your Podfile Batch SDK version
      2. [BREAKING] Batch requires Xcode 12 and iOS 10.0 or higher
      3. [BREAKING] Make sure to follow again the Extra steps on iOS, a new section has been added about the BatchUNUserNotificationCenterDelegate (if you haven't implemented a delegate yet)
    • For Android:
      1. [BREAKING] Make sure to have up-to-date android build tools (see Android blog)
  • [Android] You can now update the Batch SDK manually with the rootProject ext property batchSdkVersion. On iOS this was already possible (you set the version in your Podfile)

Mobile landings / in app messages

  • Added BatchMessaging.setFontOverride() so that you can change the font of messaging views (eg. In-app campaigns landings)
  • Added disableDoNotDisturbAndShowPendingMessage for quicker setup and to minimize any race condition between disabling do not disturb and showing the pending message
  • Do not disturb (for mobile landings/in app messages) can now be enabled natively on Android and iOS. 99% of the time on a regular React Native app, you should enable it. See README) to see why and how to handle the new behavior (call disableDoNotDisturbAndShowPendingMessage when ready, or disable do not disturb manually).
    • [BREAKING] Batch.start is now useless so it has been removed. You must remove any call to Batch.start in your javascript code.
    • [BREAKING] [iOS] the optional argument to [RNBatch start] native method is now useless so it has been removed. You must replace any [RNBatch start:false] to [RNBatch start]

DX improvements

  • Chaining Batch User editor is now optional
  • Added Batch.showDebugView() so that you can easily debug your Batch installation


  • [BREAKING] [Inbox] Rewrote inbox API to expose every native SDK Inbox methods such as markNotificationAsRead. You can now implement an infinite loading list of notifications with this API. (see migration examples)

Bug Fixes

  • [Android] Fix resume count
    • This removes an error in the logs when receiving a push while in background and potentially fixes issues related to the app going from background to foreground
    • [BREAKING] In order to migrate, make sure to follow the new README section on configuring auto-linking
  • Fixed a GDPR scenario case where the Batch iOS/Android SDK might not be started
  • Added BatchPush.getInitialURL to workaround issues on iOS to get the deeplink associated to the notification that opened the app initially. Linking.getInitialURL can be replaced by BatchPush.getInitialURL on every platforms.
  • [iOS] [Inbox] Fixed a crash when a notification's source was unknown
  • Exposed promises in critical methods such as optIn in order to prevent potential race conditions
  • [iOS] showPendingMessage will now work correctly
  • [Android] Fixed potential crash in showPendingMessage when the activity is not found


  • Added a guide in the doc for GDPR compliance
  • [iOS] Added a guide in the doc for showing notifications on foreground