Generating binding projects

In order to integrate Batch with Xamarin, you will need to generate binding projects.

First of all, install a copy of Xamarin (or Visual Studio for Mac) which supports at least Android 8.0 and iOS 11. To generate the iOS binding, you will also need Xcode 12 or higher.

Create a new Xamarin project. You can name it however you want. In this guide, we will use "BatchDemo". These instructions are written for Visual Studio Community for Mac, so your experience might differ a little if you are using Visual Studio on Windows.

You should end up with a solution that has three projects:

  • BatchDemo
  • BatchDemo.Android
  • BatchDemo.iOS

Note: In this tutorial, we will bind Batch for iOS and Android separately. Any API call made by your app will be have to be implemented for both platforms.


Generating the base Android binding project

First, get Batch's AAR on our download page .
Then, follow Xamarin's AAR binding tutorial using that AAR, right until "Accessing .AAR types".

Rather than making a new solution, add the binding project to the current solution by right-clicking it, and selecting "Add > Add New Project".
We will call the project BatchSDK.Android.

You should end up with a binding project referenced by your Android Xamarin Forms project.
It will have several errors and warnings on compilation, which will be fixed by tweaking how Xamarin generates the bindings.

Fixing build issues

From the Transforms folder, open Metadata.xml, and replace it with this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- CS0109 should be ignored: -->

	<!-- CS0618 should also be, since Batch internally use deprecated stuff for compatiblity -->
    <attr path="/api/package[@name='']" 
	<attr path="/api/package[@name='']/

    <attr path="/api/package[@name='']/

    <attr path="/api/package[@name='']/

    <attr path="/api/package[@name='']/

    <remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='Config']/field" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='BatchUserProfile']/method[@name='a']" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='BatchUserProfile']/method[@name='b']" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='BatchUserProfile']/method[@name='c']" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='h']" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='BatchPushReceiver']" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='Batch']/method[@name='a']" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='Batch']/method[@name='b']" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='Batch']/method[@name='c']" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='BatchPushPayload']/method[@name='a']" />
	<remove-node path="/api/package[contains(@name, '') and not(contains(@name, ''))]" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='h.1']" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='MessagingActivity.1']" />

	<remove-node path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='BatchInboxNotificationContent']/constructor[@name='BatchInboxNotificationContent']" />

You may ignore the following warnings for the whole project:

To do so, open BatchSDK.Android's options, go to Build > Compiler, and add ;CS0109;CS0618 in Suppress warnings.

Then, build the solution. Everything should build without errors or warnings.

Batch's Android APIs will now be available under BatchSDK.Android once you add that project to your existing solution and reference it. Note that you will still need to follow our Android documentation, including adding the Play Services library (with its gcm and instanceid components) and required entries to your manifest.


Creating the base iOS binding project

Batch versions lower than 1.17.0 are not supported by this tutorial

First, create a new iOS Bindings Library project in your solution. You can call it BatchSDK.iOS. Reference it from your Xamarin forms iOS project.

Then, get Batch's framework binary from our GitHub releases page, and copy Batch.framework from the Batch.embeddedframework in your BatchSDK.iOS project folder.

Here is how your folder hierarchy should look like:

iOS Project Structure

Right click on Native References in Visual Studio for Mac, select Add Native Reference and pick Batch.framework.
Finally, select ApiDefinition.cs and Structs.cs, right click and select Remove. When asked, select Delete: these are unneeded files that you are going to generate with objective sharpie.

You are now ready to go ahead and generate the actual bindings with Objective Sharpie.

Using Objective Sharpie

Download and install Objective Sharpie from Xamarin's website.

Then, open a terminal in the BatchSDK.iOS folder and run the following command:

sharpie bind -framework ./Batch.framework -sdk=iphoneos -namespace=BatchSDK.iOS

If sharpie throws an error about a 'iphonesdkXX.X' not being installed, temporarily delete/rename Batch.framework/Info.plist

Go back to Visual Studio for Mac, right click on the project, and select Add Files.
Pick the newly generated ApiDefinitions.cs and StructsAndEnums.cs from the project directory, and confirm.

For both files, you will need to change the build action.
Right click on them, and under Build Action, select:

  • ObjcBindingApiDefinition for ApiDefinitions.cs
  • ObjcBindingCoreSource for StructsAndEnums.cs

iOS Build Action

Patching the API definitions

At that point, the project will still not build correctly. You will need to patch the API definitions. Since Objective Sharpie is imperfect, a couple of patches are required to the generated files to build the bindings.

In both files, search for [iOS (8, 0)], [iOS (8,0)] or [iOS (10,0)] and remove those lines.

In ApiDefinitions.cs:

  • Remove using Batch; and using ObjectiveC;

  • Remove the following constants:

    • double BatchVersionNumber { get; }
    • byte[] BatchVersionString { get; }
  • Search for every interface extending an interface starting with IBatch...., and remove the I. Objective Sharpie does not consistently name the interfaces. For example, interface BatchManualUserActionSource : IBatchUserActionSource becomes interface BatchManualUserActionSource : BatchUserActionSource
    Building the solution and looking at the errors might help you find these problems. Searching for : IBatch and replacing with : Batch should do the trick. Do the same for , IBatch, replacing it with , Batch.

  • Remove all [Verify (ConstantsInterfaceAssociation)] lines.
    You will get errors on any static [Static] attribute on partial interface Constants. Remove them all, except for the first: it is a partial class that can only have the attribute defined once.

  • Add : INativeObject to the following interfaces:

    • BatchUserAttribute
    • BatchInboxNotificationContent
  • Look for anything annotated with [Verify (MethodToProperty)]. You will need to remove those, and fix the definition accordingly.
    Here are a couple of known fixes:

    • BatchMessage PopPendingMessage { get; } -> BatchMessage PopPendingMessage();
    • bool ShowPendingMessage { get; } -> bool ShowPendingMessage();
    • BatchInboxFetcher Fetcher { get; } -> BatchInboxFetcher Fetcher();
    • BatchUserDataEditor Editor { get; } -> BatchUserDataEditor Editor();
    • UIViewController PresentingViewControllerForBatchUI();
  • Most definitions are correct, and just need their Verify removed. Example:

    • bool IsRunningInDevelopmentMode { get; }
    • BatchUserProfile DefaultUserProfile { get; }
    • string LastKnownPushToken { get; }
    • string InstallationID { get; }
    • bool IsDismissAction { get; }
    • bool IsOptedOut { get; }
    • Every BatchUserAttribute getter
    • Every BatchUser getter, except for Editor
  • Change the the NullAllowed attribute to return:NullAllowed and split Export inits own attribute on:

    • PopPendingMessage()
    • PresentingViewControllerForBatchUI()
  • Add the [BaseType (typeof(NSObject))] annotation on interface BatchEventDispatcherPayload.

In StructsAndEnums.cs:

  • Remove all [Verify (InferredFromMemberPrefix)] lines.

The project should now build correctly.

iOS - Rich notifications setup

Rich Push notification support on iOS is implemented using a Notification Service Extension.

As this is a separate executable, you need to integrate a specialized component of Batch specifically made for Extensions: BatchExtension. It is a light framework designed to minimize the size and load time of extensions.

BatchExtension isn't available in a precompiled form, you will need to compile it before binding it.

This has been tested using Visual Studio for Mac 2022. These steps might not work with VS 2019 or on Windows.

Create the extension binding project

Open Visual Studio and create a new bindings project in your solution (iOS -> Library -> Bindings Library). Name it BatchSDK.iOSExtension.

Delete ApiDefinition.cs and Structs.cs.

Finally, add a reference to it in your application project.

Setting up the Carthage-based build system

First, install Carthage.

Then, open up your Xamarin solution folder and create a CarthageDeps folder.
In that folder, create these three files:


github "BatchLabs/Batch-iOS-SDK-Extension-ObjC"

carthage update --use-xcframeworks

cd ../BatchSDK.iOSExtension
sharpie bind -framework ../CarthageDeps/Carthage/Build/BatchExtension.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7/BatchExtension.framework -sdk=iphoneos -namespace=BatchSDK.iOSExtension

Then, make the scripts executable:

chmod +x

Finally, run and then In the future, if you need to update/rebuild the framework, run

You might want to tweak your .gitignore to ignore the Carthage build artifacts. All files can be committed safely, but Carthage has documentation regarding what should always be committed and what can be ignored, depending on your requirements. If you ignore the Carthage folder, you will have to run in your CI.

Fixing up the bindings

In Visual Studio, right click on the project, select Add existing files and pick ApiDefinitions.cs.
Then, right click this file and select Build Action > ObjcBindingApiDefinition.

Open ApiDefinitions.cs and make the following changes:

  • Delete the first Constants interface and its attributes.
  • Remove any [iOS (10,0)] (or any version) attribute

Linking the XCFramework

In the BatchSDK.iOSExtension project, right click on Native References and select Add.
Locate BatchExtension.xcframework in CarthageDeps/Carthage/Build and add it.

Right click on the newly added reference and select Properties (you might need to left click it before due to a Visual Studio bug). In the drawer, change its Kind from Static to Framework and make sure Smart Link is disabled.

Finally, you will need to modify the project definition to fix an issue with XCFrameworks:

  • Right click on BatchSDK.iOSExtension and select Edit Project File.
  • Locate the ItemGroup XML node containing the XCFramework.
  • Add the following code below that node. The new tag should be as the same level as the ItemGroup, not in it.

Save the file, wait for Visual Studio to reload it and build the project.

Creating the extension

You can now create the extension project.
Add a new project and pick the iOS > Extension > Notification Service Extension kind. You can name the project however you want.

Then, add a reference to the BatchSDK.iOSExtension project.

In NotificationService.cs, make the following changes:

  • Add using BatchSDK.iOSExtension
  • Remove everything from NotificationService's implementation: the class should be empty.
  • Change NotificationService's base class to BAENotificationServiceExtension.

Build and run your project: Rich Push notifications should now be working.