
Creating a Theme

Choosing a format

Before creating your first In-App automation, you need to create a theme. Themes are templates you can use for your Mobile Landings or In-App automations. You can choose between several formats.

Restricted to users with Privacy or Administrate rights.


Supported from Batch SDK 1.10.

Fullscreen In-App themes can contain text (header, title, body), an image, up to two buttons and a close button. Use the fullscreen format for all your important messages that deserve to interrupt the navigation.

Supported from Batch SDK 1.11.

Banners can be displayed on the top or the bottom of the screen. They can be attached to the borders to the device or not. Banners can contain text (title, body), up to two buttons, a close button and an auto-dismiss timer. Use banners to suggest optional actions and avoid bothering them when they are making important actions.

Supported from Batch SDK 1.14.

The modal format will always be displayed in the center of the screen. You can add an image, disable text fields, buttons and change their color. You can also set a 10 second timer to autodismiss the In-App message.


Supported from Batch SDK 1.14.

Displays a full screen image or a modal with a close button or an auto-close timer. Editing an image theme is straightforward: Choose the format Batch will use to display your image (fullscreen or modal), the background color displayed behind the image and turn on/off the autodismiss option for your theme.


Supported from Batch SDK 1.17.

The WebView format allows you to include a view based on custom HTML. All you need to define to edit a WebView theme is: the background color and opacity (visible during loading time and behind transparent images), and the color and background of the mandatory close button. Use it with your custom HTML design if other Batch formats don’t meet your needs.

Customising a Theme

Once you have picked a format, you can edit the layout and properties of your theme to adapt that format to your use case. Batch provides a simple interface to customise a new theme:


These are the basic properties of your theme:

  • Code: ID of your theme. Use it in the payload of your call to the In-App or Push Campaigns API (in case you use a Mobile Landing) to use a specific theme.
  • OS UI color: On iOS, determines whether the text of the statuts bar should be dark or light.
  • Placement: Top or Botton. Allows you to choose whether you want to display your banner on top or at the bottom of the screen (banner format only).
  • Attached: True or false. Determines whether the In-App message should be attached or not to the left and right borders of the screen (banner/modal formats only).
  • CTA mode: Horizontal or Vertical. Determines whether the two buttons of your theme should be arranged horizontally or vertically (fullscreen, banner, modal formats only)
  • Fullscreen: True or false. Determines whether the image should be displayed in fullscreen or detached from the screen borders (image format only)
  • Background: Hex color code. Background color of the theme.
  • Opacity: Percentage. Determines the opacity of the background of the theme. (WebView format only)


The fullscreen, modal and image formats enable you to add an image in your In-App message. You can adjust the way Batch will display your image:

  • Cover: Batch will use the entire width of the screen to display the image. In portrait mode, depending on the screen size of the user device, the bottom and the top of the image will be cropped.
  • Contain: Batch won't crop the image vertically. You will now have two empty spaces on the left and the right of your image. If you choose the cover mode, we recommend you use the same color for the background of your In-App message and the background of your image.


You can enable or disable blocks of centered text and change their color:

  • Header (fullscreen format only)
  • Title
  • Body


You can add up to two buttons to your theme. For each button, you can modify the text and background color and the border-radius (in pixels, fullscreen format only).

Close Button / Auto Dismiss

Your theme must contain at least one button that will allow users to dismiss the In-App message. It can be:

  • A close button, in the top right corner of your theme. (mandatory for the WebView format)
  • An auto-dismiss option that will dismiss the In-App message after 10 seconds (banner, modal and image formats only)
  • Or a CTA, triggering a dismiss action.

You can change the color and background of the close button. The auto-dismiss feature displays a gauge which shows the time remaining before the In-App message is dismissed.

Previewing the Theme

Once you are done editing your theme, you can save it and send a preview to your device to see how it looks. Click the "preview" button in the top right corner. Before sending a preview to your device, you can use one of the example contents in the dropdown menu.

Managing Themes

Themes are created at the company level. To find the right In-App design for your automation, you can:

  • Create a brand new theme in your app.
  • Take a look at the themes created in the other app(s). If you want to attach available themes to your currently selected app, click on "Browse themes from other apps", select the themes thats fits and simply attach it to your app in order to use it on your automation.

You can also:

  • Create a copy of a theme in your app, click on the "..." button on a given theme and click on "Replicate".
  • Search or Filter themes by format: You can search or filter the displayed themes according to their format by using the drop-down menu.

Make sure the same themes are attached to the iOS and the Android version of your app to avoid automation replication issues.

Note that In-App and Mobile Landings are for now features associated to Push v1 capabilities an thus siloed by platform (iOS, Android).