You will find here all the settings related to your different channels.
Note that SMS has not yet specific settings as all the setup takes place at implementation time.
Push Settings
You will find here all the settings related to push notifications, from uploading your iOS certificate, editing your FCM IDs to editing the push delivery speed.
Restricted to users with App or Administrate rights.
Basic Push Setup
Apple Push Notification Service (APNS)
On iOS, Batch servers need to have a valid certificate to communicate with Apple Push Notification Services (APNS). There are two types of files you can use:
- p8 files (recommended): Valid for all the apps added to your Apple developer account. You will need to specify the Application Identifier (App ID) or the Bundle ID of your app on Batch's dashboard.
- p12 certificates: Generated for a unique App ID and are only valid for one year.
If you are using a p8 file, here are the fields you will need to fill in:
- App ID / Bundle ID / Topic: We recommend you use the bundle ID you will find in Xcode. You can also use the app ID available from the Developer Console.
- Team ID: The team ID is also available from the Developer Console.
On iOS, if the development version of your app uses a different bundle ID than your production app, you will need to create two separate apps on the dashboard.
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
Basic Setup
On Android, Batch needs a Service Account Key issued from your Firebase project to send notifications. Service Account Keys can be generated from the Firebase Console.
Once you are logged in, select your project then click the ⚙ next to your project name and "Project settings". Click on the "Service Accounts" tab, and then on the blue "Generate new private key" button to create and download a key.
Using Several FCM Service Account Keys
You can provide several service account keys for a single Android app. Batch will automatically use the appropriate key when sending notifications to a token.
This is useful if you have to switch to another Firebase project (e.g. lost Firebase credentials, etc) and want to keep sending push notifications to users who didn't update the app yet. You can also use that feature to avoid creating two separate apps if you don't use the same Firebase project in staging and production.
Click the "Update FCM config" button and confirm. You can now upload a new service account key.
Web push API settings (Chrome, Firefox, Safari on macOS Ventura or higher)
Vapid Keys
Each website has a pair of VAPID keys associated with it:
- A public key: Inserted in the JavaScript tag and used to request a subscription to the browser's push service when users turn on push notifications.
- A private key: Used by Batch servers to sign the authorization headers sent to the push service of each browser, when you want to send a notification to your opt-in users.
If needed, you can change the VAPID keys to match the one you were using with another provider.
SDK Auth Key
The SDK Auth Key is a key generated by Batch for every website added to the dashboard, using the SDK API Key and the URL declared when you added your website. A new SDK Auth Key will be generated if you change the URL of your website in the dashboard settings.
The Auth Key is used in the JavaScript Tag on your website. It authenticates the requests sent to Batch servers. If that SDK Auth Key doesn't match an existing Auth Key generated in the past for your SDK API Key, Batch will reject the request (e.g. 401 error - unauthorized).
If you need to test your integration on a different domain than the one declared in the dashboard settings, you will need to set the "dev" parameter to true in your JavaScript tag and declare your development origins.
Subdomain Name
Only used in deprecated HTTP / multidomain mode
Name of the subdomain Batch will use for your website.
Safari (≥ macOS Ventura)
Learn more about Safari support implementation here: Safari setup
For Safari (< macOS Ventura), Batch needs a website name to communicate in the push package requested by Safari before displaying the authorization prompt to a user. This is the name that will appear on your Safari push notifications.
Batch also needs a list of allowed domains as well as push certificates associated with each domain in order to communicate with Apple Push Notification Services (APNS). Each certificate is generated for a unique Website Push ID.
Allowed Dev Origins
List of additional origins authorized in development mode, only when the 'dev' parameter is set to true in your JavaScript tag.
Web Push Icons
- Default icon: This icon is displayed on all web push notifications. It is mandatory to upload one for Safari web push configuration.
- Small icon: This icon is displayed on web push notifications received on Android devices.
Default Push Settings
Manage Push Delivery Speed
Average number of sent push notifications per minute.
By default, Batch will send push notifications at the maximum delivery speed defined in your plan (up to 1.000.000/minute).
You can decrease/increase the delivery speed if needed. This will be applied to all the notifications sent to the users of your app/website, from Batch dashboard or the Push Campaigns API.
The sending will be automatically stopped:
- After 12 hours, orchstrations sent from the dashboard and by Push Campaigns API.
- After 6 hours, for push sent by Transactional API,
If the estimation is over that time, we recommend that you select a higher push delivery speed.
Note :This limit may not always be strictly enforced. To prevent overloading your site/app, consider setting a lower value as a buffer. Also, once an orchestration is running, the orchestration’s delivery speed can’t be changed for this orchestration.
Transactional API is related to Push v1 capabilites and thus siloed by platform (iOS, Android). Transactional use cases are managed vit Trigger Automationss in Push v2.
Expiration (TTL)
You can set a global expiration delay or a Time To Live (TTL) in hours for all the notifications sent to your app/website users. The notification won't be displayed if the device doesn't receive it or doesn't come back online within this time.
By default, Batch sets a TTL of 14 days for all the notifications you send. If your user's device comes back online before being off for two weeks, it will display the last notification you sent to your user (iOS) or all the notifications sent over the previous two weeks (Android and web push). On iOS, APNS should only store for one month the notification waiting to be displayed.
If you setup a different TTL between iOS and Android and send a push on both platorms, iOS TTL will be leveraged.
iOS/Android only
Defines the priority of your notifications on iOS (APNS) and Android (FCM). The default value is high on iOS and Android.
On Android, you can use the high priority if you have a messaging/VoIP app and if you notice delivery issues due to native (Doze) or constructor related (Samsung Smart Manager, etc) energy-saving features.
If you setup a different a different priority between iOS and Android and send a push on both platorms, iOS TTL will be leveraged.
High priority Android notifications can drain your user's battery faster since they wake up the device and open a network connection. Switch to Normal priority if your notification is not time-sensitive.
Collapse Key
Android only
Defines how notifications are managed when an offline device goes online. If enabled, the device will only show the most recent notification. If disabled, it will show all the notifications received when the device was offline.
You should disable the collapse key if all your notifications matter (e.g. messages, etc). You can use up to three different collapse keys if you want users to get only one notification of each kind when coming online (e.g. marketing message, alert, etc).
Test Devices
This is the list of test IDs added by your team. You can easily rename, edit or delete them. Use the send a test button, next to the "edit" button, to check if that ID is still valid.
Note that test devices can only be used in Push v1 which is siloed by platform. In Push v2, test devices are automatically cached after for use in composition interface and display at next open.
Email Settings
Email settings is where you setup email senders, such as "".
The latter part of the email sender (e.g.: "") is setup a implementation time with Batch teams, and associated to one of the sender types defined below.
You can freely define the first part of the email sender (e.g.: "coupons") in this Settings section.
Three sender types exist:
- Marketing: senders used for marketing purposes, such as email blasts and promotional campaigns.
- Transactional: senders used for transactional purposes, such as account creation or purchase confirmation.
- All: senders that can be used for both purposes. This is mostly useful for pre-production / testing purposes.
These senders type are linked to different IP ranges. This is made to make sure delierability is optimal, especially for transactional messages.
When you will create a marketing or transactional orchestration, senders will filters based on their types.
Also, when you send a campaign via the Campaign API, you can specify the sender you want to use bases on the sender ID visible on this page.