
In this section, you can setup the general parameters of the apps and the the website part of your projects.

Note that there can only be one iOS app, one Android app and one website per roject. Also, projects creation, apps creation, deletion and add-on Projects is managed via your CSM.

Projects Information

That settings section contains basic information about your project, app or website.

Prjoject Name

Required - Name of your app or project. You can defined it freely. The icon will be automatically defined based on apps and website part of the project.

Project Icon

The icon is automatically deduced from the apps part of your project.

Batch won't use this icon in the push notifications.

Project deletion App

Only users with the "Administrate" right can delete projects. Batch will automatically disable all the running push/In-App orchestrations part of the project. If you are using Batch APIs, any attempts to target the API key of the deleted app will be rejected.

Managing Environments Separately

If you need to manage development, staging and production environments separately, you can create separate projects on the dashboard and rename them accordingly (e.g. [DEV] MyProject, [PROD] MyProject, etc).

Apps and Websites Information

App/website Name

Required - Name of your app or website. Batch will prefill that field based on the information gathered from the App Store, the Play Store or the metadata of your website. This name is not visible in the Dashboard, only the project name is.

Note that Batch won't use this name in the push notifications.


Required, Web only - The URL of your website. Batch uses that URL to get the name and the icon of your website. Batch also uses your website URL to generate the SDK Auth key.


Required, iOS/Android only - Platform or framework used to develop your app. You can choose between iOS/Android (Native), Cordova, React Native, Flutter. Modifying that parameter will adjust the integration steps.

API Keys

Here you can see the list of all the IDs needed to leverage our APIs, SDKs integrate the SDK or implkement the Inbox.


Batch generates an SDK API key for every app and website added to your company. The SDK API key identifies your website or your app on a specific platform. For example, you will notice your iOS app, your Android app and your website don't have the same SDK API key.

The SDK API key has two purposes:

  • APIs: The SDK API key is the unique reference to your website or your app on a specific platform when you call Batch REST APIs.
  • Integration: The SDK API key authenticates the requests sent to Batch servers and allows Batch to attach the data to the right app or website.

Restricted to users with App or Administrate rights.


The REST API key authenticates the calls made to Batch APIs targeting your apps/websites API keys.

The REST API key is sensitive information as it allows you to send push notifications, display In-App messages, send data, and more from Batch APIs. Do not expose it to your users and avoid sharing it in your company. Batch only generates one valid REST API key per company.

If you suspect your REST API key is compromised, send an email to describing the issue. Our team will invalidate the REST API key and generate a new one after receiving validation from a user with the "administrate" right.

Restricted to users with Administrate rights.

Inbox secret

The Inbox secret key is the authentication key required to use the Inbox feature in your app.

Restricted to users with App or Administrate rights.