
Batch provides simple debug tools that allow you to test your integration (⚙ Settings → Debug) and debug your calls to the Transactional API.

Integration Debug Tool

Reviewing Data Attached to an ID

Batch provides a simple tool you can use to see the list of installs tied to a specific ID and the data Batch collected for each one of them. You can search installs based on:

  • An advertising ID: IDFA (iOS) or GAID (Android). You can find your advertising ID by using My Device ID on iOS or by going to your device settings → Google → Ads on Android.
  • A Custom User ID: Your own user IDs shared with Batch.
  • An Installation ID: ID generated by Batch for all the installs the first time your users open the app. You can get your installation ID in the log of your app or display it in your app for debug purposes.

You can also see the data collected for random installs in your userbase.

For every install, the debug tool displays basic information on the left side:

  • Basic information: Device type, last SDK start date, country, language, installation date, push optin status, app/OS/SDK version.
  • API Key: API key tied to the install. This can be your live or your dev API key.
  • Custom user ID: Custom User ID set for the install. The field will be empty if no custom user ID is set.
  • Installation ID: ID generated by Batch for the install when user opened the app for the first time.
  • Push Token: Push token attached to the install. The field will be empty if Batch hasn't received any token yet for the install or if the token has been invalidated (e.g. uninstall).

On the right side, you will find the list of all the data collected for a specific install:

  • Native data: app version, bundle ID, carrier code, city code, device brand/type, installation date, last location, and more.
  • Custom data: You will find here the list of all the attributes, tag collections and events received from the SDK or the Custom Data API. You search a specific value in the list if needed.

The dashboard will display the most recent install first. Simply click again the "Debug" or "Reload" button to refresh the list of installs and update the attributes/events list.

Sending a Test Notification

Batch enables you to send a test notification to all the installs attached to the ID you are debugging. Clik the "Send Test Push" button at the top of the installs list:

If you need to send push notifications to your device on a regular basis, then you should add your ID as a test device by clicking the "Save as a test device" button.

Debugging a Trigger Campaign

You can also see if a specific install is or has been in the user journey of a trigger automation. Click the ⚡️ lightning icon in the top right corner of the debug tool. This will show the list of trigger campaigns that targeted your install at some point.

For every campaign, you can see when your install entered the user journey and when/why it exited that user journey:

  • push_done: Batch sent a push to the install when the timer finished
  • cancel_event: Your user triggered the cancellation event before the timer finished.
  • stop: The trigger campaign has been stopped before the timer was finished.
  • no_pushtoken: Batch tried to send a notification to the install, but it didn't have a token. This may happen if users didn't see the opt-in prompt yet or didn't turn off push notifications on iOS.
  • pushtokennot_registered: The token attached to the install was not valid anymore when Batch tried to push it. This usually happens when users reinstall or uninstall the app.
  • query_mismatch: The install was not matching anymore the targeting of the campaign when the timer finished.


There are several points you should check if you don't find any installs matching your advertising ID (IDFA/GAID):

  • App restriction: Your app may not be able to collect advertising IDs. This happens frequently on iOS, especially if it doesn't displays ads.
  • Device settings: Check your device settings to be sure you didn't turn on limited ad tracking in Settings → Privacy → Advertising.
  • Batch integration: Make sure that the advertising id collection hasn't been disabled.

Transactional API Debug Tool

Batch provides a simple debug tool that lets the list of all the targeted push tokens for any given API call to the Transactional API. Go to ⚙️ Settings → Debug, select "Transactional" and input the token generated by the API on each successful call:

The advanced analytics view gives you detailed information for a specific transactional push:

  • Sent: The total amount of sent push notifications.

  • Not Found: Number of Custom User ID or installation ID are not linked to any push token.

  • Undeliverable: Number of push tokens that were flagged as invalid by Apple/Google. Your app may have been uninstalled.

  • Errors: Number of APNS/FCM/WNS errors.

    Note that Debug is only relative to Push v1, which is siloed by platforms (iOS, Android, Web). CEP offers a richer cross-channel Profile view, described in Profiles section.