Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBatchToastAcceptedEventArgsEvent arguments for an accepted toast, if sent by Batch.
 CGenericToastAcceptedEventArgsEvent arguments for an accepted toast, no matter when it comes from.
 CIToastAcceptedEventArgsEvent arguments for an accepted toast. A toast is "accepted" when a user taps on it or one of its buttons. This interface can be casted to GenericToastAcceptedEventArgs or BatchToastAcceptedEventArgs based on IsBatchPush's value. If the toast came from Batch, BatchToastAcceptedEventArgs will let you read additional information such as deeplinks, custom payload, etc...
 CPushBatch's Push module. You
 CPushChannelRegisteredEventArgsEvent arguments for a successfull push notifications channel registration.
 CPushChannelRegistrationFailedEventArgsEvent arguments for a failed push notifications channel registration
 CEditorUser data editor; This is the class you'll interact with to make changes to user attributes, such as:
 CUserBatch's User module. Setting custom user data and tracking events happen here.
 CBatchBatch SDK Core