Privacy Center

The Privacy center requests applies to the installation base that powers Push V1, siloed by platform (iOS, Android, Web) but also to Profiles leveraged to send emails, SMS and pushes via Push v2.

The Privacy center makes it easy to handle data access and data removal requests. Requests must be submitted for every app separately and must provide a valid data subject identifier (e.g. customer-level or device-level ID). You can also use Batch REST API to do the same thing (know more on the GDPR API):

Note: GDPR request information is available via our Dashboard and APIs for 20 to 30 days after request creation. After this time, you will not be able to query its status anymore. Pending requests are always available.

Data Request

The dashboard also shows the status of all your data access/removal requests:

Request status

You can filter these requests by origin (Dashboard or API):

Filter by origin

Restricted to users with Privacy or Administrate rights.

Requesting Data Access

As soon as the request is completed, users with the Privacy and Administrate rights will receive an email (e.g. "[BATCH] Your GDPR request [request token] has been processed") with a link to an archive containing all the data Batch has stored for the provided identifier (e.g. list of sent notifications, list of installs attached to the id along with the data collected for each install, etc).

That file can also be downloaded from the Privacy center:

Access request done

Requesting a Data Removal

All the data Batch has stored for the provided identifier will be deleted.

Important note: Batch will blacklist the ID for one month after the data removal. If you request a data removal for a specific ID and your user keeps or reinstall the app, Batch will not accept the data coming from that install. Batch will also discard the data sent from the Custom Data API for that specific ID.