Recurring Automations
- Recurring Automations are made for message sendings that repeat at specified intervals based on your profiles' local time or on global time (UTC). You can create Recurring Automations for each channel: Email, SMS and Push. They can be managed from the “Automations” tab of your dashboard.
Creating a Recurring Automation
To create a Recurring Automation, click on the “New Automation” button on the top right-hand corner of your Automations listing and select the channel you want to use to send your message.
Creating a Recurring Automation is similar to creating a Campaign, except for the Timing. Check Campaign documentation here.
- On a Recurring Automation, to define your Timing, you have to:
- Set the day and time when you want the first occurrence of your message to be sent.
- Set the day and time when you want to stop your Automation i.e. when you want the repetition to stop.
- As for Campaigns, the day and time can be on the Local time of your Profiles or on the Global Time (UTC).
- Set the frequency with which messages are sent.
- The frequency has a minimum limit of 1 message per day and no maximum limit.
- If you want to limit the number of occurrences of a message a Profile will receive, you can use Capping.
- When Capping is disabled, Profiles in your targeting will be able to receive the message on each occurrence i.e. each time the timing occurs.
- When Capping is enabled, Profiles in your targeting will only be able to receive X occurrences of the message. X being the value you have set.
- If a profile has several devices, then we will send X occurrences of the message per profile AND per device. For example, if you set the capping to 2 and a user targeted by your Automation has an iPhone and an iPad, they will receive 2 occurrences of the message on each of these devices.
Managing a Recurring Automation
Stopping a Running Orchestration
- A Recurring Automation can be stopped and relaunched as many times as necessary until the end date is reached.
- Sendings will resume on the sending date defined in the form and not immediately after the Automation is relaunched.
Modifying a Recurring Automation
- A Recurring Automation can be modified until the end date is reached.
- You can modify its targeting, timing and/or content.
- If your Automation is scheduled to be sent at a later date, or in other words if the sendings have not started, all your changes can be taken into account.
- However, if sendings are already in progress, all the people concerned by these sendings, will not be affected by your changes. Changes will only be effective for sendings that have not yet started.
- We advise you not to modify your Campaign when sendings have started to avoid errors. This particularly applies to local Campaigns.
- If you change the start date to within 24 hours of the first send, people will not receive the message again; they will receive a message on the next occurrence.
Deleting a Recurring Automation
Any deletion is definitive, you will no longer be able to access your Automation.
Understanding Automations listing
The listing is common for Recurring Automations and Trigger Automations.
All the Automations you have created since the project was created are available on the listing.
From the Automation listing you can:
Filter the listing by:
- Date: Filters out Automations that were active over the period.
- Status: Draft, Running, Stopped, Completed.
- Channels: Email, SMS, Push.
- Labels: All CEP labels attached to the project.
- You can select several options for each filter and combine filters.
Access quick actions that adapts to the Automation status (by clicking on the three dots buttons):
- If in draft:
- Edit Orchestration.
- Launch Automation.
- Replicate.
- Delete.
- If Stopped:
- Edit Orchestration.
- Go to Analytics.
- Launch Automation.
- Replicate.
- Delete.
- If running:
- Edit Orchestration.
- Go to Analytics.
- Stop Automation.
- Replicate.
- Delete.
- If completed:
- Go to Analytics.
- Replicate.
- Delete.
- If in draft:
Access key metrics:
- Delivery: number of sent
- Interaction: percentage of opens
Export your Automations Analytics (by clicking on the “Export” button).
Search a specific Automation.
Note that what is explaind on this page is focused on how Recurring Automations works for Email, SMS and Push v2 channels. For Push v1, the behavior is slighly similar with the main difference that it works by platform (iOS, Android, Web).